1,421 research outputs found

    Determinantes de la aceptación del "mobile learning" como elemento de formación del capital humano en las organizaciones

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    La revolución tecnológica ha modificado el modo de comunicarnos, realizar gran cantidad de transacciones, así como la forma de hacer negocios. Las organizaciones han tenido que adaptarse a los vertiginosos cambios y digitalizar gran parte de sus procesos productivos y operativa diaria (Messenger & Gschwind, 2016; Stone, Deadrick, Lukaszewski & Johnson, 2015). En su intento por obtener ventajas competitivas y un rendimiento empresarial mayor (Turulja & Bajgorić, 2016), las compañías invierten en activos intangibles mediante la generación de conocimiento (Hortovanyi & Ferincz, 2015). Es por ello que una de las áreas corporativas que se ha visto afectada por la emergente digitalización es la de la formación in-company. En este sentido, en las últimas décadas el e-learning se ha consolidado como una metodología formativa ampliamente utilizada por las compañías, respondiendo tanto a las necesidades empresariales como a las de los empleados. Si a ello le añadimos que actualmente prácticamente todos llevamos un dispositivo móvil que nos acompaña a donde quiera que vayamos (Little, 2013), que el mercado laboral cuenta con una fuerza de trabajo cada vez más digitalizada, y que con dichos dispositivos inalámbricos podemos realizar prácticamente las mismas operaciones que con un ordenador (Venkatesh, Thong & Xu, 2012), las organizaciones se encuentran ante la necesidad de ofrecer soluciones de aprendizaje en cualquier momento y lugar..

    Estimates of heritabilities and genetic correlations of carcass quality traits in a reared gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) population sourced from three broodstocks

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    [SPA] La calidad de la canal tiene una influencia directa en el producto final y en las preferencias de los consumidores, especialmente en especies como la dorada que son vendidas como pez entero. En este trabajo se estudió el efecto del origen de los reproductores sobre caracteres de calidad de canal. Para ello, una población de dorada cultivada obtenida a partir de lotes de reproductores de diferentes orígenes [mar Cantábrico (CAN), Océano Atlántico (ATL), mar Mediterráneo (MED)] fue analizada para estas características a talla de sacrificio. Además, para estimar heredabilidades y correlaciones genéticas para caracteres de canal así como su correlación con caracteres de crecimiento, realizamos una reconstrucción genealógica. El origen tuvo un efecto en varios caracteres. Los peces del ATL presentaron el menor porcentaje de grasa visceral; los del CAN el menor factor de condición. Todas las variables de canal presentaron heredabilidad media (0.17-0.24) excepto rendimiento canal (0.07±0.05) y filete (0.11±0.05). Dada su correlación genética, seleccionar por peso aumentaría el factor de condición (0.47±0.21) pero también la indeseable grasa visceral (0.42±0.20) disminuyendo el rendimiento filete (-0.58±0.09). Seleccionar por longitud mejoraría el peso canal (0.87±0.07) y filete (0.84±0.09). Alternativamente, el contenido de grasa visceral disminuiría seleccionando por factor de condición (-0.46±0.16). [ENG] Carcass quality traits have a direct influence on final product and consumer preferences, especially in species as seabream that are sold as whole fish. In this study the effect of the origin of the broodstock on carcass quality traits was studied. For this purpose, a population of farmed gilthead seabream obtained from broodstocks from three origins [Cantabrian Sea (CAN), the Atlantic Ocean (ATL), Mediterranean Sea (MED)] was analyzed for these traits at harvest size. Moreover, to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations for carcass quality traits as well as their correlations with growth traits, a reconstruction of pedigree was carried out. The origin had an effect on several carcass traits. Fish from ATL showed the lowest visceral fat percentage and those form CAN the lowest condition factor. All carcass traits showed medium heritabilities (0.17-0.24) except dressing (0.07±0.05) and fillet (0.11±0.05) percentage. Due to their genetic correlations, selection on weight could lead to an increase in condition factor (0.47±0.21) but also to an undesirable increase in visceral fat (0.42±0.20) and a decrease in fillet yield (-0.58±0.09). Selection on length could improve dressing (0.87±0.07) and fillet weight (0.84±0.09). Alternatively, visceral fat content could be decreased by selection through condition factor (-0.46±0.16).This study was supported by the PROGENSA® project (Ref: PNMCM/GEN/09). Spanish Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine, JACUMAR

    Effect of the geographical origin on the presence of skeletal deformities and swimbladder anomaly in a cultured gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L) population. Estimation of genetic parameters

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    The gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) is one of the most important Sparid farmed in Europe. However, abnormalities such us lordosis, lack of operculum and failure to inflate the swimbladder constitute a major problem for aquaculture industry by decreasing the final value of the fish. The use of stocks from different genetic origin to produce commercial fish usually cause great variability in the global quality of the end product. However, strategies that involve the development of selection schemes in sea bream for these traits of economic interest are scarce. In light of these circumstances, the effect of the geographical origin on the presence of anomalies as a measure of fish quality was analyzed. For this purpose a population of farmed gilthead sea bream obtained from broodstock from three differentiated geographical origin and reared under common conditions was analyzed from X‐ray photograph for the mayor anomalies present in this species. A posteriori reconstruction of pedigree was carried out in order to determine genetic parameters for fish anomalies. An effect of the geographical origin on the presence of skeletal malformation and on the lack of functional swimbladder was found, being lordosis and lack of operculum the most common skeletal deformities. Heritabilities were medium for lack of operculum and lack of functional swimbladder and high for lordosis. A medium genetic correlation and a positive phenotypic correlation were observed between the lack of functional swimbladder and lordosis. All these findings could be relevant for the establishment of successful breeding programs in aquaculture of this species.This study was supported by the PROGENSA® project. Spanish Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine, JACUMAR

    La marginalidad del ruido asociado al transporte en la metodología de análisis de ciclo de vida

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    Ponencia presentada en el XIV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Madrid, 30 de junio, 1 y 2 de julio de 2010The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is a comprehensive environmental impact assessment tool whose aim is to evaluate the most relevant environmental impacts of a product or service along its life cycle. However, LCA studies often fail to include some of the largest impacts of the product system under study. Such is the case of transport noise: despite being a major source of discomfort whose significance can be likened to that of other forms of environmental pollution, it is often neglected in LCA studies. In this study, the causes for the marginality of transport noise in LCA are analyzed. Most of these causes stem from the special characteristics of noise as a pollutant (not just traffic noise but also noise from any other source), which are briefly discussed. The clash of these peculiarities with the limitations of LCA is thought to have seriously hindered the inclusion of noise within LCA. The special characteristics of noise as a pollutant (site-dependency of impacts, human perception issues, non-linearity of impacts and limited availability of data) that have hindered the inclusion of noise within LCA appear to justify a specific treatment within the LCA framework to better accommodate the assessment of its impacts.El Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (ACV) es una herramienta de evaluación de impacto ambiental cuyo objetivo es evaluar los impactos ambientales más relevantes de un producto o servicio a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. Sin embargo, los estudios de ACV a menudo descuidan impactos importantes asociados al sistema-producto. Tal es el caso de ruido del transporte: a pesar de ser una importante fuente de malestar, cuya importancia puede compararse a la de otras formas de contaminación ambiental, es sistemáticamente marginado en los estudios de ACV. Este estudio analiza las causas de la marginalidad del ruido del transporte en el LCA. La mayoría de estas causas se derivan de sus características especiales como contaminante (no sólo el ruido del tráfico, sino también de cualquier otra fuente), que se comentan brevemente. Se sostiene que el choque de estas particularidades con las limitaciones del ACV ha obstaculizado seriamente la inclusión de ruido dentro de la LCA. Las características especiales del ruido como contaminante (dependencia espacio-temporal de los impactos, cuestiones de la percepción humana, no linealidad de los impactos y disponibilidad limitada de datos) parecen justificar un tratamiento específico en el marco de ACV se adapten mejor a la evaluación de sus impactos

    Educación a distancia: una experiencia para el ingreso en la FRBB

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    La sociedad plantea una variedad de demandas de educación dependiendo de su situación y circunstancias particulares. La educación a distancia representa una realidad mundial en constante crecimiento cuantitativo y cualitativo potenciada últimamente con nuevos medios de comunicación

    Innovación en los talleres de entrenamiento de memoria. Evolución y procesos de mejora de la Fundación Pere Tarrés

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    La pèrdua de la memòria és una de les preocupacions de les persones grans. Des de fa uns anys, els casals i els equipaments per a la gent gran realitzen una activitat de caràcter socioeducatiu anomenada tallers de memòria, que té com a objectiu proporcionar els coneixements i recursos perquè les persones grans puguin entrenar satisfactòriament aquesta funció cognitiva i millorar-ne el rendiment. Els últims anys, les necessitats de les persones grans i les demandes de les organitzacions que imparteixen aquest tipus d’activitats han anat variant. Conscients d’aquest situació, un equip, constituït per docents i tècnics de casals de la Fundació Pere Tarrés, ens plantejàrem iniciar un procés d’innovació per adequar els tallers d’entrenament de la memòria a les persones grans d’avui.Memory loss is one of the concerns of the elderly. For a number of years now, facilities for older people have been running memory workshops as a socio-educational activity that aims to provide the knowledge and resources to enable seniors to train and improve the performance of this cognitive function successfully. In recent years, the needs of older people and the demands of the organizations that provide these types of activities have changed. In response to this situation, a team of teachers and technicians from the Pere Tarrés Foundation is preparing to initiate a process of innovation to adapt training workshops to the needs of older people of today.La pérdida de la memoria es una de las preocupaciones de las personas mayores. Desde hace algunos años, los casales y los equipamientos para gente mayor realizan una actividad de carácter socioeducativo denominada talleres de memoria, que tiene como objetivo proporcionar los conocimientos y recursos para que las personas mayores puedan entrenar satisfactoriamente esta función cognitiva y mejorar su rendimiento. En los últimos años, las necesidades de las personas mayores y las demandas de las organizaciones que imparten este tipo de actividades han ido variando. Conscientes de esta situación, un equipo constituido por docentes y técnicos de casales de la Fundación Pere Tarrés, nos planteamos iniciar un proceso de innovación para adecuar los talleres de entrenamiento a la gente mayor de hoy

    Jam processing and storage effects on b-carotene and flavonoids content in grapefruit

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    [EN] Grapefruit phytochemicals (beta-carotene and flavonoids) stability after different jam processing was evaluated. Osmotic dehydration, microwave energy and conventional heating techniques have been used to obtain jam. beta-Carotene and individual flavonoids were analyzed by HPLC technique. The results showed that jam obtained from osmodehydrated fruit (ODJ) is the only that preserved completely the (beta-carotene content. All processes of production of jam significantly decreased the content of narirutin (NAT), poncirin (PON), naringenin (NAG) and quercetin (QUER), while naringin (NAR) remained stable. Jams obtained by applying a heat treatment showed significant lower values of NAG and QUER in comparison with ODJ. The jam obtained from osmodehydrated fruit, without being submitted to any heat treatment, showed at the end of storage the highest contents of naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, didymin, quercetin, poncirin and the total sum of analysed flavonoids. In general, the phytochemical loss in jams as a consequence of processing was lower than those provoked by storage effect.The authors thank the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia for the financial support given throughout the Project AGL 2005-05994.Igual Ramo, M.; García Martínez, EM.; Camacho Vidal, MM.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2013). Jam processing and storage effects on b-carotene and flavonoids content in grapefruit. Journal of Functional Foods. 5(2):736-744. https://doi.org/10.1016/jjf f.2013.01.019S7367445

    Community and health staff perceptions on non-communicable disease management in El Salvador’s health system: A qualitative study

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2019-10-01, accepted 2020-04-23, registration 2020-04-23, online 2020-05-27, epub 2020-05-27, collection 2020-12Funder: Public Health Research Programme; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001921; Grant(s): Programme 16/136/100Dataset available in eData: https://eresearch.qmu.ac.uk/handle/20.500.12289/9699Background: Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of global mortality and disability with a rising burden in low- and middle-income countries. Their multifactorial aetiology, and their requirement of long-term care, implies the need for comprehensive approaches. From 2009, the Ministry of Health (MoH) in El Salvador has developed a national public health system based on comprehensive primary health care. This study aims to describe the different stakeholders’ perceptions about the management of NCDs along the pathways of care in this health system. Methods: During three fieldwork periods in 2018, three complementary qualitative data collection methods were deployed and conducted in settings with high prevalence of NCDs within El Salvador. First, illness narrative methodology was used to document the life histories of people living with a chronic disease and being treated in second and third level health facilities. Second, through social mapping, support resources that NCD patients used throughout the process of their illness within the same settings were analysed. Third, semi-structured interviews were conducted in the same locations, with both chronic patients and health personnel working at different levels of the primary health care setting. Participants were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling, and a deductive approach was implemented for coding during the analysis phase. After grouping codes into potential themes, a thematic framework was developed using a reflexive approach and following triangulation of the data. Results: This innovative approach of combining three well-defined qualitative methods identified key implications for the implementation of a comprehensive approach to NCD management in resource-poor settings. The following elements are identified: 1) social risk factors and barriers to care; 2) patient pathways to NCD care; 3) available resources identified through social connections mapping; 4) trust in social connections; and 5) community health promotion and NCD prevention management. Conclusions: The Salvadoran public health system has been able to strengthen its comprehensive approach to NCDs, combining a clinical approach – including long-term follow-up – with a preventive community-based strategy. The structural collaboration between the health system and the (self-) organised community has been essential for identifying failings, discuss tensions and work out adapted solutions.This study was supported by the NIHR Research Unit on Health in Situations of Fragility (RUHF), through the NIHR Global Health Research Programme 16/136/10020pubpu

    Comprehensive primary health care and non-communicable diseases management: A case study of El Salvador

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    From PubMed via Jisc Publications RouterOne of today's greatest challenges in public health worldwide - and especially its key management from Primary Health Care (PHC) - is the growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In El Salvador, since 2009 the Minister of Health (MoH) has scaled up a national public health system based on a comprehensive PHC approach. A national multi-sectorial strategic plan for a comprehensive approach to NCDs has also been developed. This analysis explores stakeholders' perceptions related to the management of NCDs in PHC and, in particular, the role of social participation. A case-study was developed consisting of semi structured interviews and official document reviews. Semi-structured interviews were developed with chronic patients (14) and PHC professionals working in different levels within PHC (12). Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants. A non-pure, deductive approach was implemented for coding. After grouping codes into potential themes, a thematic framework was elaborated through a reflexive approach and the triangulation of the data. The research was conducted between March and August of 2018 in three different departments of El Salvador. The structure and the functioning of the Salvadoran PHC system and its intersectoral approach is firstly described. The interdisciplinary PHC-team brings holistic health care closer to the communities in which health promoters play a key role. The findings reflect the generally positive perception of the PHC system in terms of accessibility, quality and continuity of care by chronic patients. Community engagement and the National Health Forum are ensuring accountability through social controllership mechanisms. However, certain challenges were also noted during the interviews related to the shortage of medication and workforce; coordination between the levels of care and the importance of prevention and health promotion programmes for NCDs. The Salvadoran PHC and its comprehensive approach to NCDs with an emphasis on intersectoral participation has been positively perceived by the range of stakeholders interviewed. Social engagement and the NHF works as a driving force to ensure accountability as well as in the promotion of a preventive culture. The challenges identified provide keys to amplify knowledge for addressing inequalities in health by strengthening PHC and its NCDs management.19pubpu

    Valoració nutricional dels hàbits alimentaris en joves esgrimistes de competició

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    Introducció i objectius: Si bé les necessitats nutricionals i el perfil somàtic de l'esgrimista d'elit ja estan descrits, aquest no és el cas en joves esgrimistes. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi era doble: descriure el perfil cineantropomètric d'un grup de joves esgrimistes de competició i valorar els seus hàbits alimentaris. Mètodes: Aquest estudi, de caràcter observacional i descriptiu, agrupa les variables analitzades en dues valoracions: a) valoració nutricional (registre de 24 h): energia total, hidrats de carboni, proteïnes, lípids, fibra, colesterol, contingut en aigua de la dieta, vitamines i minerals, i b) valoració cineantropomètrica: talla, pes, somatotip i composició corporal. Resultats: El 26,3% del grup es va situar per sobre dels valors recomanats d'ingesta energètica, mentre que el 57,9% estava per sota. El consum d'hidrats de carboni va ser inferior als valors recomanats, mentre que la ingesta de proteïnes i lípids, superior. El 89,5 i el 63,2% del grup es va situar per sota de les recomanacions de greixos monoinsaturats i poliinsaturats, respectivament. El 89,5% va registrar valors de greixos saturats per sobre de la ingesta recomanada. El consum de fibra va ser, en un 52,6% dels casos, deficitari. El consum de colesterol va ser, en canvi, superior (73,7%). Es van registrar valors de vita-mines que s'ajusten a les recomanacions, però no va ser així pel que fa a alguns minerals. Ambdós sexes configuren grups notablement heterogenis a nivell somàtic. Conclusions: La majoria dels joves esgrimistes analitzats presenten hàbits alimentaris no adequats, ni per mantenir un estat de vida saludable, ni per a la pràctica esportiva. Cal corregir aquests hàbits d'acord amb una educació i un seguiment nutricional correctes. I encara més si el que es pretén és optimitzar el seu rendiment esportiu. La valoració cineantropomètrica ratifica aquests resultats